The 5th graders used PlayDoh to create a model comparing the sizes of the planets. 🪐 We even included Pluto!
26 days ago, Kaylee Merges
1B students were excited to get back to school and worked extra hard to earn tickets. Earning tickets also means spending and buying too! 🤪
26 days ago, Casey Phillips
Kendal bought lunch at the market with 100 tickets! 🤩
Grant bought lunch at the market with 100 tickets! 🤩
Allen bought show-and-tell and was excited for everyone to see and try his new Christmas gift!
Hershel bought show-and-tell and was excited to show off his new Christmas gift!
Addison bought show-and-tell and was excited to show her new purchase she bought with her own money!
K-6 Phys Ed classes have been working on paddle and racket skills. 4-6 participated in a blind draw doubles tournament and did an outstanding job learning to read a bracket, cooperate, and learn strategies in the game.
27 days ago, Katie Szymczak
The Pep Band enjoyed combining with the Jackson Center Pep Band for Saturday's Basketball game. Thanks JC Bands for having us out!
28 days ago, Kaitlin McPherson
JC and NK Pep Band
JC and NK Pep Band
Some high school students are starting their 2nd semester in Ceramics. First week and already working on a cute pinch pot that can be used as a planter.
28 days ago, Nicole Kirkpatrick
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Ceramics Class
Thank you Lori Now and Beth Miller from the Auglaize County Extension Agency for coming into our 3rd grade classroom today! The students learned all about germs after the Glo-Germ activity!
28 days ago, Haley Gabel
Thank you Lori Now and Beth Miller from the Auglaize County Extension Agency! The third graders learned a great deal about germs after the Glo-Germ activity! Germs are microscopic and they are everywhere! After sneezing germs can travel 17 feet! We need to wash our hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds!
about 1 month ago, Janet Eshelman
Way to go...these kiddos passed all of their addition Rocket Math and will be moving on to subtraction!
about 1 month ago, Casey Phillips
HS Boys Basketball game is cancelled for tonight and rescheduled for Tuesday, February 11. All practices today are cancelled and all practices scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday before noon are cancelled.
about 1 month ago, New Knoxville School
There is a change in the school calendar. On Tuesday, February 18 there will be no school. This will be a professional development day for staff members.
about 1 month ago, New Knoxville School
St. Marys Opera House will be holding free events for kids the second Saturday of the month. See photo for the specific events!
about 1 month ago, Stacey Stetler
Free for all!
Parents, watch out for mini-cheer forms that are going home with K-6 students today. Forms are due back this Friday, Jan 10th. Practice times for K-2nd grade students are after school Monday-Wednesday Jan 27th-29th until 4:15. Practice times for 3rd-6th grade students are Sat Jan 25th from 10:00am-noon and Wed Jan 29th after school until 4:15. This year’s performance will be during halftime of the girls’ varsity basketball game on Thursday, Jan 30th. Thanks for your support!!
about 1 month ago, Kay Webb
Save the date! Forms will be coming home in the next few weeks!
about 1 month ago, Jenny Fledderjohann
Great job 5B on winning the 4-6 diaper & wipe challenge!!! What a true showing of generosity from all the K-6 students!!!
about 2 months ago, Kim Crow
diaper challenge
First Grade Spelling Bees Champs!
about 2 months ago, Kelley Mele
3B students stayed busy this week building their own Christmas Tree Farm 🌲The students had to promote their new business by designing logos, creating slogans, and filming their own commercial. We also enjoyed some fun games of Christmas Minute It to Win It!
about 2 months ago, Haley Gabel
Christmas Farm
Christmas Farm
Christmas Farm
Christmas Farm
Fifth grade Christmas party—dancing, singing, enjoying each others presence, and enjoying PRESENTS! 🎁🎄
about 2 months ago, Kaylee Merges
Fifth grade Christmas party—dancing, singing, enjoying each others presence, and enjoying PRESENTS! 🎁🎄
about 2 months ago, Kaylee Merges
Thank to everyone who donated to our Diaper Drive! We had an AMAZING showing of support! So many people are going to benefit from your generosity this holiday season!
about 2 months ago, Stacey Stetler
about 2 months ago, Nicole Kirkpatrick
Get yours TODAY!